Evony Farming – Farming Valleys for Medals: Justice, Nation, Rose and the rest!

Okay, so ever since the first Evony Super Server merge, drop rates of medals have all been screwed to hell in this MMORTS. Medals are not only needed to promote to a higher rank, but also to hire captured heroes. So it does suck that Evony medals are so hard to get, but here's some tricks that may help:

Farming Level 9 and 10 Evony Valleys for Medals with Low Losses

  • To get started, you will need about 30k archers per valley that you plan to farm, and you should farm at least 4 valleys at a time, so a spare 120k archers will do. You will also need a few thousand warriors, a couple pikeman and swordsman, and up to 20k cavalry if you decide to farm the valleys that have archers in them.
  • You will also want to make sure your Evony city's feasting hall is FULL while medal farming because if you capture a hero your chances of getting a medal greatly fall.
  • You will want to attack every valley twice, consecutively, even if you get a medal.  Evony valleys are known to reward medals one after another.
  • Always send 250-500 warriors with your attacks on Evony valleys for prestige gain – Archers cost too much to send extra, so stick to warriors.

Start out by scouting all the level 9 or 10 Evony valleys that you want to farm for medals, I wouldn't go out much farther than 15 miles unless you have to. Depending on what type of troops are in the valley, you will farm with a certain type of your own troops to take minimal losses from the valley. You will want to look for valleys of this sort.

Any combination of the following:

  • Warriors/Pikeman/Swordsmen
  • Archers Only
  • Cavalry with up to 3 other troop types, excluding archers (Archers and cavalry give too many losses to farm)

Depending on what troops the Evony valley holds, you should attack it with a certain layer to minimize your losses:

Level 10 Valley Troops Attack to Send
Warriors/Pikeman/Swordsmen 25k Archers
Archers Only Equal Cavalry (Same as Archers)
Cavalry Only 15k Archers, 10 Pikeman, 10 Swordsman
Cavalry with 2 other Troops 30k Archers, 10 Pikeman, 10 Swordsman
Cavalry with 3 other Troops 30k Archers, 3k Warriors, 10 Pikeman, 10 Swordsman


Level 9 Valley Troops Attack to Send
Warriors/Pikeman/Swordsmen 20k Archers
Archers Only Equal Cavalry (Same as Archers)
Cavalry Only 15k Archers, 10 Pikeman, 10 Swordsman
Cavalry with 2 other Troops 20k Archers, 10 Pikeman, 10 Swordsman
Cavalry with 3 other Troops 25k Archers, 3k Warriors, 10 Pikeman, 10 Swordsman


NOTE: You DO NOT have to conquer an Evony valley to be awarded a medal – you only have to be victorious in the battle.


Justice Medal awarded from Level 9 Valley Super Server 1

(Note: If you notice – the above Evony justice medal was actually awarded from a level 9 valley – July 12th 2011)


Farm Nation Medal Valley


Farming Justice Medal Valley

(Note: Yes, in the above Evony screenshot I broke the rule of not attacking archers and cavalry in a valley at the same time! I was just level 10 valley spamming and wasn't scouting first – 7500 archer losses!! It is a rare to have so many losses from a level 10 valley and still be awarded a good Medal.)

Farming Level 1 – 10 Evony Valleys for Medals, the "Normal Way"!

Here's a list of general farming Layers to hit all level Evony valleys without scouting first to be awarded a medal, you may suffer some losses on high level valleys:

  • Level 1 Valleys: 150 Archers, 1 Worker, 100 Warriors, 1 Pike, 1 Sword, 1 Scout
  • Level 2 Valleys: 315 Archers, 1 Worker, 100 Warriors, 1 Pike, 1 Sword, 1 Scout
  • Level 3 Valleys: 625 Archers, 1 Worker, 200 Warriors, 1 Pike, 1 Sword, 1 Scout
  • Level 4 Valleys: 1250 Archers, 1 Worker, 200 Warriors, 1 Pike, 1 Sword, 1 Scout
  • Level 5 Valleys: 2500 Archers, 1 Worker, 300 Warriors, 1 Pike, 1 Sword, 1 Scout
  • Level 6 Valleys: 5k Archers, 1 Worker, 300 Warriors, 1 Pike, 1 Sword, 1 Scout
  • Level 7 Valleys: 10k Archers, 1 Worker, 400 Warriors, 1 Pike, 1 Sword, 1 Scout
  • Level 8 Valleys: 15k Archers, 1 Worker, 400 Warriors, 1 Pike, 1 Sword, 1 Scout
  • Level 9 Velleys: 20k Archers, 1 Worker, 500 Warriors, 1 Pike, 1 Sword, 1 Scout
  • Level 10 Valleys: 25k Archers, 1 Worker, 500 Warriors, 1 Pike, 1 Sword, 1 Scout

Farming Level 1 – 10 Evony Valleys for Medals, the "Fast Way"!

Here's a list of scout numbers to hit ALL level Evony valleys without scouting first to be awarded medals, you will suffer HEAVY losses on high level valleys:

  • Level 1 Valleys: 5k Scouts
  • Level 2 Valleys: 5k Scouts
  • Level 3 Valleys: 5k Scouts
  • Level 4 Valleys: 10k Scouts
  • Level 5 Valleys: 10k Scouts
  • Level 6 Valleys: 50k Scouts
  • Level 7 Valleys: 50k Scouts
  • Level 8 Valleys: 100k Scouts
  • Level 9 Velleys: 100k Scouts
  • Level 10 Valleys: 100k Scouts

(Note: Farming level 10 Evony flats with the above method is way to get rose medals.)


Instead of Farming multiple Evony valleys at once you can pick ONE valley at a time to farm and spam it until you get TWO medals, or one medal and an item, or two items.

To do this, follow these steps:

  • Have all of your Evony heroes home and idle, including your mayor.
  • Have enough troops in your Evony city to launch 8-10 attacks.
  • Make sure you have an OPEN slot in your city town hall for Evony valleys.

Now, Scout nearby Evony valleys like explained earlier in the guide and find the closest valley to your city that has the right kind of troops inside to medal farm. Follow these steps:

  • Launch the Attack at the Evony valley BUT keep the attack screen up.
  • Wait 20 seconds then select another Evony hero and launch the same attack again.
  • Wait 20 seconds then select another Evony hero and launch the same attack again.
  • Wait 20 seconds then select another Evony hero and launch the same attack again.
  • You get the idea… Launch as many attacks as you can at the Evony valley
  • Close the attack screen and wait for the first attack to land on the Evony valley.
  • As soon as the attack lands – ABANDON THE EVONY VALLEY – troops will automatically come home.
  • DO NOT go read attack reports!
  • Keep watching the Evony valley and abandoning it as it is conquered.
  • Once all of the attacks have landed, go to your reports and check all of the valley farming reports for items or medals.

Spamming a Valley to Conquer and Release Medal Farm in Evony

Repeat this process until you are awarded Evony medals and items!

Well that's it for my adaptation to Evony medal farming. Remember – you can use these tactics to farm any level Evony valley for any type of medal! All you need to do is figure out the LEAST amount of archers to send with attack layers in order to just BARELY defeat the troops in the Evony valley with very little to zero losses at all, except maybe one troop of layering dying. Yes, heavy losses can award you Evony medals as well – but that's not smart medal farming is it?? Nope.

This Evony Hookups guide was re-written with inspiration from another older guide at http://bbs.evony.com/showthread.php?t=91602 with adaptations from http://bbs.evony.com/showthread.php?t=113300, as well as other guides. It is meant for the newer Evony servers as well as "super servers". I hope you've found this Evony guide useful – if so, please Like! it on Facebook and share it however you can via the Add This! Widget at the bottom of the post!