Keeping up with all your Evony cities, in relation to your state, as well as your state in relation to hostile and friendly states, can be a total pain without a visual! Some people copy, re-size, and mark the below maps/grids with whatever image editing software (paint?) they have to keep track of about where their cities are and give them a way to visualize everything better.
Below is an Evony Grid Visual for Servers that have 200 x 200 mile states. (Sorry you 125×125 servers, if you still exist..)
(Open In New Tab)Below is the regular map that Evony provides, it’s always been a pain in the ass to find on the Evony website:
(Open In New Tab)Here are two more Map Grid Visuals created by someone named Injun Joe that are more printer-friendly.
They are very good for printing out on paper to mark on with pencil. Keep track of your Evony city locations, as well as other locations of importance, Aggressive Hostiles, and easy-target Hostile feeder cities with TONS of resources in them that you want to remember to attack and clean out! 😉
Colored and Labeled Injun Joe Evony Server Map Grid
(Open In New Tab)Grey Non-Labeled Injun Joe Evony Server Map Grid
(Open In New Tab)Hope these help you in your Evony endeavors.
Have another Evony Map, Grid, or Visual of some other kind? Let Evony Hookups and it’s other users know about it in the comments below!