Feeder Global Goals for Evony NEAT Bot – 21 Mines 19 Sawmills – by EHU

NEAT Bot Note
If you are not familar with NEAT Bot for Evony then head over to the NEAT Bot section of Evony Hookups to learn a bit more about and acquire the BEST Evony Bot yet!

These are “Global Goals” for NEAT Bot. Not only are these Global Goals, but they are some-what advanced Global Goals meant to be used for Feeders that auto-dump resources to specific coordinates. Not only are the some-what advanced Global Goals meant to be used on Feeders that auto-dump to specific coordinates, they are also meant to be used on a MASSIVE scale – hence why they are “GLOBAL GOALS”, for feeders.. You wouldn’t want these NEAT Bot goals for your main accounts – they are for people that have dozens to hundreds of feeders with hundreds to thousands of cities and grow tired of changing goals manually – ONE CITY AT A TIME.

Global Goals are two-part “.txt” text-document format goals that should be saved in the same location/folder/directory as NEAT.exe to be auto-loaded and ran by the bot upon startup. If you don’t already know this… you probably shouldn’t even be here.. Leave NOW! 😉

(More Help, Guides, and Explanations for Global Goals COMING SOON!)

These Feeder Global Goals handle all of the following with ease:

  • Auto Farm level 1-5 NPCs for food
  • Auto Farm level 9-10 NPCs for hero experience and food
  • Auto Hunt level 9-10 valleys for medals
  • Auto Control Gate when under attack
  • Auto Hide resources and troops when under attack
  • Auto Queue troops to train
  • Auto Build wall fortifications
  • Auto Build city buildings
  • Auto Research technologies
  • Auto Hire/Fire heroes
  • Auto Buy/Sell resources in market
  • Auto Move resources/troops between cities
  • Auto transport/dump food/res to desired coordinates for feeding..
  • Automatically do SO MUCH MORE!! (Some adjusting may be required, please leave a comment to ask for help!)

Remember, the first goal should be saved as your PrependGoals.txt and the second goal should be saved as your AppendGoals.txt

21 Sawmills & 19 Mines – Explained in the goal!

Feeder Global Goals for Evony NEAT Bot – 21 Mines 19 Sawmills – Prepend – by EHU:


Feeder Global Goals for Evony NEAT Bot – 21 Mines 19 Sawmills – Append – by EHU:
