Speed Medal Farming Goal Section for Evony NEAT Bot – by EHU

NEAT Bot Note
If you are not familar with NEAT Bot for Evony then head over to the NEAT Bot section of Evony Hookups to learn a bit more about and acquire the BEST Evony Bot yet!

This is an awesome goal section that covers everything needed for quickly hunting Nation, and other, medals by goal with NEAT Bot for Evony!

Adjust “valleylimit” if you would like your city to keep more archers, or other troops, in city before farming valleys for medals. Keep in mind, the idea of this goal section is to NOT spend archers farming level 9 and 10 NPCs by keeping the archer limit for farming them much higher than the archer valley farming limit in order to farm level 9 and 10 valleys five waves at a time for optimal medal gain – ONLY level 5 NPCs will be farmed for food/resources.

Farms level 9 and 10 valleys for medals five waves at a time, doesn’t farm level 9 or 10 NPCs to conserve archers for medal farming!

Speed Medal Farming Goal Section for Evony NEAT Bot – by EHU: