A Level 10 NPC Farming Script for NEAT bot that automatically finds the nearest five or more level 10 NPCs within 3+ miles of your city and then farms each of them twice with the specified Heroes and Troops, then ends. Script will also stop if below the specified Minimum Archers count or if food reaches the Minimum Food amount.
Never again resort to manually making level 10 NPC farming script with Findfield
- If you are just trying to gather up some quick food there is no real need to change anything except the “minarchers” value and the “minfood” value.
- If you just want it to run forever, set “minarchers” to -1, “minfood” to 999b, and “loopscript” to yes”
- You could also tweak the “troops” to your preference – only adjust “heroname” if you are comfortable with NEATbot hero-strings!!
- If you have an insta-archer hero running on this script you may want to make the “SleepCycle” in this script longer, otherwise your hero will burn through your archers/population/resources too fast making insta-archers while farming lvl 10 npcs! You will see… then adjust as needed.
Have fun watching food pile up.. 😉
Automatic Level 10 NPC Farming Script for NEAT Bot – by EHU:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 |
//---- Evony Hookups ----// //---- Automatic Level 10 NPC Farming Script for NEAT Bot - by EHU ----// //---- Last Edited: 06/30/2016 ----// //---- This script will automatically find and farm all //---- the level 10 NPCs in a 3+ mile radius around your //---- city. You can set a minimum amount of archers to //---- keep in city before farming, a minimum amount of //---- food to stop script at, as well as the amount of //---- times to farm all NPCs in city's radius before //---- ending the script.. //---- Main User-Defined Variables - Change These!! ----// heroname = "any:att=best|any:att>=220" //-- Hero Variables --// troops = "a:88k,t:2k,s:3k,w:7k" //-- Troop Variables --// sleepcycle = "300" //-- Inter-script sleep Delay --// minarchers = 88k //-- Minimum Archers for Farming --// minfood = 100m //-- Minimum Food wanted.. --// loopscript = "no" //-- Loop Script forever? True, Yes, False, or No --/ //---- Nothing to edit below here!!! ----// //------Start of actual Sript------ //------ Start of actual Sript ------ //------ Start of actual Sript ------ //------ Start of actual Sript ------ //------ Start of actual Sript ------ //------ Do Not Touch!! ----// echo "Running AutoLevel10Farming-byEHU.neat Script" label TruceCheck if (m_context.truced = true) goto TruceFail goto RallyCheck label TruceFail echo "Account in truce, can't farm NPCS.." goto EOS label RallyCheck if (city.getMaxArmySize() < 100000) goto RallyFail goto Start label RallyFail echo "Rally not level 10, can't attack with 100k troops.." goto EOS label Start type = "npc" //-- What to Farm.. --// distance = 3 //-- Distance of NPCs to farm --// level = 10 //-- Level of NPCs to farm --// if ( >= "{minfood}") goto EnoughFood //---- Delay for bot to stabilize, and map to finish loading label StartupSleep sleep 60 //---- Continue.. label Continue wl=0 list = FindField(city.x, city.y, distance, GetFieldType(type), level).sort(city.compareByDistanceToCastle).map(CreateFunction("fieldId,i,a","FieldIdToCoords(fieldId)")) if (list.length <= 5) goto DistanceFail echo "Found {list.length} level {level} {type}(s)" ind=0 //---- Farming Loop.. label farming gosub DefenseCheck if ( >= "{minfood}") goto EnoughFood echo "Only have {} food, less than the {minfood} food minimum - Emergency Farming Lvl {level} NPCs!!" if (ind = list.length) goto wait if (city.troop.archer < "{minarchers}") goto TroopFail echo "More Than Enough Troops!!" xy=list[ind] if (xy = null) goto StartupSleep echo "attack {xy} {heroname} {troops}" execute "attack {xy} {heroname} {troops}" ind=ind+1 loop farming //---- Enough Food.. label EnoughFood echo "Accumulated {} food, more than the {minfood} food minimum.." goto EOS //---- Troop Fail.. label TroopFail echo "Not Enough Troops - still at {} food, less than the {minfood} food minimum.." goto EOS //---- Wait.. label wait wl=wl+1 if (wl > 1) goto WaitLoopFail ind=0 gosub DefenseCheck execute "sleep {sleepcycle}" goto farming //---- Wait Loop Fail - Too many waits.. label WaitLoopFail echo "Farmed all NPCs within {distance} miles, twice!" goto EOS //---- Distance Fail.. label DistanceFail distance=distance+1 if (distance > 6) goto NPCFail goto Continue //---- NPC Fail.. label NPCFail echo "No level {level} NPCs within {distance} miles, ending script.." goto EOS //---- Defense Check.. label DefenseCheck //if (city.NumberOfRealAttacks > 0) call "{ScriptsLoc}DefenseScript.txt" return //---- End of Script.. label EOS loopscript = loopscript.toLowerCase() if (loopscript = "yes" || loopscript = "true") goto TruceCheck echo "All done farming lvl 10 NPCs for now!!" // //---- ----// |
EHU Script/Goal Note
Scripts and Goals by Evony Hookups are updated as frequently as possible when there are outdated lines that need to be updated, or upgrades to how the Script/Goal works. Please report any errors or suggestions in the comments below or via email on the Contact page!
NEAT Bot Note
If you are not familar with NEAT Bot for Evony then head over to the NEAT Bot section of Evony Hookups to learn a bit more about and acquire the BEST Evony Bot yet!