Some times you don’t need a fancy script to get the job done.. you just need it done, easily.
If you don’t know, this is a two-part script.. because it is a two-part process! You need one big account with a good politics hero to build instant trebs, and another account with a hero on it you wish to level. The Insta-Treb account makes trebuchets OVER and OVER while the other account spams them with scouts OVER and OVER for experience, (you may want to add some valley spams in the middle of the treb spams if the spamming account has lots of honor, to keep scouts from depleting so fast).
This is the “Quick and Dirty” method of leveling heroes in Age 1 Evony on one account by using the Instant-Trebuchet hero on a second account by spamming the Trebuchet city with scouts and the hero to train from the first acount while the Trebuchet city on the second account has it’s gates closed and is spamming the walls with more Instant-Trebuchet fortification builds.. as the first account continually spam them down.. a whole ton of SPAM going on here!!
NOTE: If new to Trebbing/Trebuchet-Leveling you should probably read this article called Evony Tip – Evony Trebbing: the Art of Trebuchet Hero Leveling and Item Farming before continuing.
Part 1 – Quicky & Dirty Trebuchet Leveling Spam Scripts for NEAT Bot – by EHU:
Run in Spamming account that is Leveling a hero:
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//---- Evony Hookups ----// //---- Part 1 - Quicky & Dirty Trebuchet Leveling Spam Scripts for NEAT Bot - by EHU ----// //---- Last Edited: 12/09/2014 ----// //---- This is PART 1 of the Quick & Dirty //---- Trebuchet Leveling Spam Script which, //---- optionally, spams a valley to keep //---- honor down, and then spams a player's //---- trebs with scouts for hero XP while //---- the other player gets XP for building //---- the trebs. Obviously, for this to even //---- be possible you need one account with //---- lots of scouts and a hero to train, and //---- another account with lots of stone and //---- an insta-treb hero - plus the accounts //---- can't be in the same alliance.. ;) //---- This is the SCOUT SPAM part of the script!! ----// //---- Main User-Defined Variables - Change These!! ----// AttackHero="HeroInTraining" // CRUCIAL: Change Hero Name: Hero you want to spam trebs with --// ValleyHero="any:att<100,pol<100" //-- Spam Hero for valley/honor drop --// AttackCoords="xxx,yyy" //-- Coordinates of player to spam --// ValleyCoords="xxx,yyy" //-- Coordinates of CLOSE Valley to spam if high in honor --// ValleySwitch="0" //-- Turn ValleySpam on/off: 0=off 1=on SleepTime="14" //-- CRUCIAL: Seconds it takes to get to SpamCoords!! --// LoopTime="2000" //-- Times to loop, 0 for infinite --// //---- Nothing to edit below here!!! ----// //------Start of actual Sript------ //------ Start of actual Sript ------ //------ Start of actual Sript ------ //------ Start of actual Sript ------ //------ Start of actual Sript ------ //------ Do Not Touch!! ----// echo "Running Part 1 - Quicky & Dirty Trebuchet Leveling Spam Script.." //---- Main Setup.. label Main ln=0 config wartown:1 recallall //---- Main Loop.. label MainLoop ifgosub (ValleySwitch >= 1) ValleySpam gosub TrebAttack ifgoto (LoopTime = 0) MainLoop ln=ln+1 ifgoto (ln=LoopTime) EOS goto MainLoop //---- Treb Spam Block.. label TrebAttack execute "attack {AttackCoords} {AttackHero} s:23333" execute "waithero {AttackHero}" return //---- Valley Spam Block.. label ValleySpam getspamhero execute "attack {ValleyCoords} {ValleyHero} s:100" sleep 1 return //---- End of Script.. label EOS // //---- ----// |
Part 2 – Quicky & Dirty Trebuchet Leveling Spam Scripts for NEAT Bot – by EHU:
Run in Instant-Trebuchet hero account that is making Trebuchets to be Spammed:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 |
//---- Evony Hookups ----// //---- Part 2 - Quicky & Dirty Trebuchet Leveling Spam Scripts for NEAT Bot - by EHU ----// //---- Last Edited: 12/26/2014 ----// //---- This is PART 2 of the Quick & Dirty //---- Trebuchet Leveling Spam Script which //---- just makes trebuchets over and over //---- while the player running PART 1 spams //---- the trebs down with scouts.. ;) //---- This is the INSTA-TREB BUILD part of the script!! ----// //---- Main User-Defined Variables - Change These!! ----// TrebHero="BigPol" //-- Insta-Treb Hero name --// SleepTime="14" //-- Sleep time between treb builds --// Loop="2000" //-- Times to loop, 0 for infinite --// //---- Nothing to edit below here!!! ----// //------Start of actual Sript------ //------ Start of actual Sript ------ //------ Start of actual Sript ------ //------ Start of actual Sript ------ //------ Start of actual Sript ------ //------ Do Not Touch!! ----// echo "Running Part 2 - Quicky & Dirty Trebuchet Leveling Spam Script.." //---- Main Setup.. label Main ln=0 config wartown:1 config hiding:0 config feastinghallspace:0 gatepolicy 2 2 2 2 2 execute "goal traininghero {TrebHero}" recallall execute "waithero {TrebHero}" //---- Main Loop.. label MainLoop execute "setMayorbyname {TrebHero}" cancelfortifications walldefense tre 11000 getspamhero execute "sleep {SleepTime}" rewardheroes ln=ln+1 ifgoto (ln=Loop) EOS goto MainLoop //---- End of Script.. label EOS // //---- ----// |