NEW!!! PREMIUM Subscriptions to Evony Hookups Now Available!
Currently, Premium Subscriptions guarantee you an Ad-Free browsing experience here at – nothing more. Think of them as a donation to make ads go away. All of the other listed bonuses are currently still being added and implemented as I have time/resources and therefore may not be available, yet.
If you pay for a Premium subscription and your account/profile does not automatically upgrade to “Premium” from “Free, please contact me at to get your account upgraded manually. The membership plugin EHU is utilizing in it’s system is new and has not been tested much since subscriptions have just now gone live! Thank you for your patience. 🙂
(Evony Hookups is owned, operated, and maintained by a single person – so please don’t expect more than an Ad-Free experience at this time. PayPal charge-backs are very annoying.)
[ms-note type=”info”]We have the following subscriptions available for our site. You can renew, cancel or upgrade your subscriptions by using the forms below.[/ms-note]