NEAT Bot Note
If you are not familar with NEAT Bot for Evony then head over to the NEAT Bot section of Evony Hookups to learn a bit more about and acquire the BEST Evony Bot yet!
This is just a variation of jay777’s “Kill Inactive Town Around You” script that’s been reorganized and added to. It checks nearby city owners in stats for accounts with only 1 city and 0 population. If it finds one it spams it, since it’s probably inactive, and clears it off the map to make more room for NPCs.
Don’t waste time manually clearing noobs and inactive cities from around your own Evony cities.
- Make sure to not use and lose good heroes by re-configuring the “heroes” variable with an incorrect hero-string!
- Add all of your Main, Feeder, and Blue-but-not-Blue alliances to the “NoHitAlliances” array to make sure no cities from those alliances are hit!
Automatic Clear Dead Cities Script for NEAT Bot – by EHU and jay777:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 |
//---- Evony Hookups ----// //---- Automatic Clear Dead Cities Script for NEAT Bot - by EHU and largely jay777 ----// //---- Last Edited: 06/30/2016 ----// //---- This is just a variation of jay777's //---- "Kill Inactive Town Around You" script //---- Main User-Defined Variables - Change These!! ----// distance = 20 //-- How Far To Clear Inactives --// troops = 'c:1k,s:1k' //-- What troops to Cap Inactive Cities With --// heroes = 'any:att<best,pol<best,int<best,att<=432,pol<=300,int<=250,base<100' //-- What Heroes to Cap Inactive Cities With --// NoHitAlliances = ["MainAlliance","FeederAlliance","OtherAlliance"] //-- failsafe when running in multiple alliances that aren't blue --// //---- Nothing to edit below here!!! ----// //------Start of actual Sript------ //------ Start of actual Sript ------ //------ Start of actual Sript ------ //------ Start of actual Sript ------ //------ Start of actual Sript ------ //------ Do Not Touch!! ----// echo "Running AutoClearDeadCities-byEHU-jay777.neat Script" //---- Troop Check.. label TroopCheck if (city.troop.lightCavalry < 1k) goto TroopFail if (city.troop.scouter < 1k) goto TroopFail goto Start label TroopFail echo "Not Enough Troops.." goto EOS //---- Start.. label Start echo "Starting to clear dead cities.." execute "scanrec {NormalizeX(city.x-distance)},{NormalizeY(city.y-distance)} {NormalizeX(city.x+distance)},{NormalizeY(city.y+distance)}" castles = AllCastles(GetFieldId(city.x-distance, city.y-distance), GetFieldId(city.x+distance, city.y+distance)) i=0 label next @command "who {castles[i].userName}" if $error goto next if $result.split(',')[2].split(" ")[2] = 1 if $result.split(',')[8].split(" ")[2] = 0 echo "Found and attacking {castles[i].userName} at {FieldIdToCoords(castles[i].id)}.." if ($result.split(',')[2].split(" ")[2] = 1) if ($result.split(',')[8].split(" ")[2] = 0) if (NoHitAlliances.indexOf("{castles[i].allianceName}") = -1) execute "attack {FieldIdToCoords(castles[i].id)} {heroes} {troops}" i=i+1 //if (city.NumberOfRealAttacks > 0) call "{ScriptsLoc}DefenseScript.txt" if (i < castles.length) goto next //---- End of Script.. label EOS echo "All done with dead city clearing!!" // //---- ----// |
Source: jay777
EHU Script/Goal Note
Scripts and Goals by Evony Hookups are updated as frequently as possible when there are outdated lines that need to be updated, or upgrades to how the Script/Goal works. Please report any errors or suggestions in the comments below or via email on the Contact page!