NEAT Bot Note
If you are not familar with NEAT Bot for Evony then head over to the NEAT Bot section of Evony Hookups to learn a bit more about and acquire the BEST Evony Bot yet!
Here’s a good beginner Neat Bot Goal to get you going and automatically keep your Evony account running.
This goal is a great NEAT Bot goal to start with and then build upon since it is powerful, yet compact – it handles all of the following with ease:
- Auto Farm level 1-5 NPCs for food
- Auto Train on level 6-8 NPCs for hero experience
- Auto Farm level 9-10 NPCs for hero experience and food
- Auto Hunt level 9-10 valleys for medals
- Auto Farm valleys for resources
- Auto Control Gate when under attack
- Auto Hide resources and troops when under attack
- Auto Queue troops to train
- Auto Build wall fortifications
- Auto Build city buildings
- Auto Research technologies
- Auto Hire/Fire heroes
- Auto Buy/Sell resources in market
- Auto Move resources/troops between cities
- Automatically do SO MUCH MORE!! (Some adjusting may be required, please leave a comment to ask for help!)
DON’T KEEP BEING THE BIGGEST NOOB ON YOUR EVONY SERVER!! Join the dark side and use this General NEAT Bot Goal on all of your cities, then adjust it for maximum effectiveness!
21 Sawmills & 19 Mines – Explained in the goal!
General Beginner Goal for Evony NEAT Bot – 21 Sawmills 19 Mines – by EHU:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 |
//---- Evony Hookups ----// //---- General Beginner Goal for Evony NEAT Bot - 21 Mines & 19 Sawmills - by EHU ----// ///--------------------------------------- // Main Variables ///--------------------------------------- config wartown:0 config hunting:4 set npclimits10 a:220k set npclimits8 w:305k traininghero heroname 120 240 1 ///--------------------------------------- // Resource Distribution ///--------------------------------------- ///--------------------------------------- // Heroes ///--------------------------------------- //---- nolevelheroes optional - use to build up experience on hero without levelingup nolevelheroes any:pol>=1066,int<850,att<1526|any:int>=850,pol<1066,int<1526|any:att>=1526,int<850,pol<1066 keepheroes any:bse>=73|any:lvl>=220|any:lvl>=165,bse>=65 config hero:21 config fasthero:73 config trainpol:1 config trainint:1 config npc:4 set npcheroes10 any:att=best set npcheroes8 any:pol=best set npcheroes5 any:att<best,pol<best set valleyheroes any:att<best,pol<best npcheroes 10 %npcheroes10% npcheroes 9 %npcheroes10% npcheroes 8 %npcheroes8% npcheroes 7 %npcheroes8% npcheroes 6 %npcheroes8% npcheroes 5 %npcheroes5% npcheroes 4 %npcheroes5% npcheroes 3 %npcheroes5% npcheroes 2 %npcheroes5% npcheroes 1 %npcheroes5% valleyheroes %valleyheroes% ///------------------------------- /// Trade ///-------------------------------- config trade:3 set goldmin 200m set foodmin 500m set foodmax 1b set woodmin 15m set woodmax 20m set stonemin 500m set stonemax 1b set ironmin 10m set ironmax 15m set batch 1m tradepolicy /type:gold /min:%goldmin% tradepolicy /type:food /min:%foodmin% /max:%foodmax% /batch:%batch% tradepolicy /type:wood /min:%woodmin% /max:%woodmax% /batch:%batch% /allowselltomin tradepolicy /type:stone /min:%stonemin% /max:%stonemax% /batch:%batch% /allowselltomin tradepolicy /type:iron /min:%ironmin% /max:%ironmax% /batch:%batch% /allowselltomin ///--------------------------------------- // Troop Build ///--------------------------------------- config troopsusepopmax:1 config troopincrement:0 config reservedbarrack:1 config troopidlequeuetime:5 config troopsusereserved:1 config troopqueuetime:1 troop wo:1,warr:1,s:1,p:1,sw:1,a:1,c:1 troop b:550,t:550 troop b:1.5k,t:1.5k troop b:2.5k,t:2.5k troop wo:105k troop warr:10k,s:10k,p:1k,sw:1k,a:10k troop a:120k,wo:105k,warr:160k,s:105k,t:20k,p:15k,sw:10k,c:10k,cata:5k,b:3.6k,cp:250,r:500 troop a:220k,wo:200k,warr:260k,s:305k,t:25k,p:20k,sw:10k,c:100k,cata:15k,b:25k,cp:25k,r:10k troop a:500k,wo:200k,warr:500k,s:2m,p:300k,sw:200k,c:300k,cata:150k,t:250k,b:250k,cp:250k,r:75k troop s:15m ///--------------------------------------------------------- /// Resource and Troop Transfer ///------------------------------------------------------- requestresources /slots=2 /delay=45 any food 20m 35m 10m 15m cavalry requestresources /slots=2 /delay=45 any food 100m 200m 14m 38m worker requestresources /slots=2 /delay=45 any gold 5m 6m 400k 800k scout sendtroops /slots=1 /delay=0 any ballista 2k 2k 500 1k sendtroops /slots=1 /delay=0 any transport 2k 2k 500 1k sendtroops /slots=1 /delay=0 any transport 15k 15k 5k 10k //---- requestresources for wood and iron - optional #requestresources /slots=1 /delay=480 any wood 800k 5m 400k 800k scout #requestresources /slots=1 /delay=480 any iron 800k 5m 400k 800k scout ///------------------------------------------------------- /// City Build ///------------------------------------------------------- //---- EHU generally uses a split 21/19 Iron/Wood or Wood/Iron build for cities. //---- It may not produce the most resources since 40 of all the same fields produce the most with valleys/percent bonuses. //---- However, the 21/19 split is more versatile for when the market prices fluctuate! //---- If you have 21 Iron Mines and 19 Sawmills plus 10 Hill Valleys, but Iron prices just fell through the floor - //---- ..simply change your goal to 21 sawmills and 19 Iron Mines (which just requires the demo and rebuild of 2 fields) //---- ..then drop your Hills or Forests and your resource production will pick right back up! (Especially when you have decent mayors!) //---- If Lumber prices drop for a while, switch the two Sawmills back to Iron Mines and Forests for Hills and start raking in the Iron again! //---- Using the 21/19 split for resources on your cities allows you to easily produce more of what's currently most valuable - //---- Lumber, or Iron! Sure, 40 Sawmills make a lot of wood... //---- ..but that's not very helpful when wood is selling for 4x less than Iron! Be Smart, Be Versatile!! build b:0:11,c:0:11,wh:0:2,f:0:1,q:0:1,s:0:19 build ?inn:2?inn:0,inn:1:1 build a:7:1,t:7:1,b:5:5,c:5:5,fh:7:1,r:5:1,m:5:1,inn:1:1 build i:5:7 build b:9:3 build c:9:3,b:9:8 build r:9:1,fh:9:1,t:9:1,a:9:1 build c:9:8,b:9:10 build i:5:14 build r:10:1 build w:9:1 build rs:9:1,be:9:1,e:9:1,wh:9:2,m:9:1 build b:9:11,c:9:8 build fh:10:1,w:10:1,rs:10:1 build t:10:1,a:10:1 build be:10:1 build ?w:10,met:10,ho:10,rs:1?ws:0,fo:0,st:0 build c:9:11 build b:10:3 build ?i:5:19?f:0:0,q:0:0,s:9:19 build i:9:21 build b:10:10 build i:10:19 build s:10:19 build m:10:1,e:10:1,wh:10:2 ///--------------------------------------- /// NPC Farming ///--------------------------------------- farmingpolicy /level:10 /mindistance:1 /maxdistance:20 /farmingcycle:8 farmingpolicy /level:9 /mindistance:1 /maxdistance:20 /farmingcycle:8 farmingpolicy /level:8 /mindistance:1 /maxdistance:20 /farmingcycle:8 farmingpolicy /level:7 /mindistance:1 /maxdistance:20 /farmingcycle:8 farmingpolicy /level:6 /mindistance:1 /maxdistance:20 /farmingcycle:8 farmingpolicy /level:5 /mindistance:1 /maxdistance:20 /farmingcycle:8 farmingpolicy /level:4 /mindistance:1 /maxdistance:20 /farmingcycle:8 farmingpolicy /level:3 /mindistance:1 /maxdistance:15 /farmingcycle:8 farmingpolicy /level:2 /mindistance:1 /maxdistance:10 /farmingcycle:8 farmingpolicy /level:1 /mindistance:1 /maxdistance:5 /farmingcycle:8 npctroops 10 a:88k,s:3k,t:2k,w:7k npctroops 9 a:83k,s:3k,t:2k,w:7k npctroops 8 w:80000,t:1100 npctroops 7 w:65000,t:850 npctroops 6 w:50000,t:600 npctroops 5 b:450,t:400 npctroops 4 b:350,t:300 npctroops 3 b:200,t:100 npctroops 2 b:90,t:50 npctroops 1 b:30,t:20 npclimits 10 %npclimits10% npclimits 9 %npclimits10% npclimits 8 %npclimits8% npclimits 7 %npclimits8% npclimits 6 %npclimits8% ///--------------------------------------- /// Valley and Hunting ///--------------------------------------- valleylimit a:120k config valley:10 valleyfarming 10 0 10 0 0 0 valleytroops 10 w:200,s:1,p:1,sw:1,c:1,a:25k,b:200 valleytroops 9 w:100,s:1,p:1,sw:1,c:1,a:20k,b:100 valleytroops /level:10 /type:flat s:100k valleytroops /level:9 /type:flat s:100k valleytroops /level:8 /type:flat s:100k valleytroops /level:7 /type:flat s:80k valleytroops /level:6 /type:flat s:80k valleytroops /level:5 /type:flat s:80k valleytroops /level:4 /type:flat s:50k valleytroops /level:3 /type:flat s:50k valleytroops /level:2 /type:flat s:10k valleytroops /level:1 /type:flat s:10k ///--------------------------------------- /// NPC Build ///--------------------------------------- config buildnpc:15 npcbuildpolicy /level:5 /mindistance:3 /maxdistance:20 npcbuildpolicy /level:10 /mindistance:1 /maxdistance:3 config abandonflats:1 config acquireflats:1 ///--------------------------------------- // Other City Configure ///--------------------------------------- config comfort:1 processingpolicy n:30 q:25 r:20 m:15 *:10 rallypolicy n:10:1 n:7 r:3 t:3 b:3 v:3 m:3 distancepolicy 20 20 5 30 35 taxpolicy 0 100 warehousepolicy 90 5 0 5 config feastinghallspace:1 keepcapturedheroes any:level>=432|any:base>=80 homeheroes 1 ///--------------------------------------- /// Gate and Defense ///--------------------------------------- config hiding:1.5,gate:0.02,attackgap:30,monitorarmy:1 gatepolicy 2 0 2 0 1 defensepolicy /junktroop:1 /usespeech:7 /usetruce:6 ///--------------------------------------- /// Fortification Build Order ///--------------------------------------- config fortsusereserved:1 fortification tra:1,ab:1,at:1 fortification tra:3k,ab:3k,at:15k,tre:200 ///--------------------------------------- /// Research Order ///--------------------------------------- research ag:2,lu:2,mas:2,mi:2 research ar:9,ho:8,mt:5,lo:8,met:5,com:8 research ho:9,mt:9,lo:9 research met:9,in:9,ms:9,ir:9 research st:9,con:9,med:9,mac:9,com:9 research ag:9,lu:9,mas:9,mi:9 research en:9,pr:9 research ar:10,ho:10,lo:10,mt:10 research met:10,in:10,ms:10,met:10,ir:10,lo:10 research com:10,ho:10,st:10,con:10,med:10,mac:10 research ag:10,lu:10,mas:10,mi:10 research en:10,pr:10 // //---- ----// |