NEAT Bot Note
If you are not familar with NEAT Bot for Evony then head over to the NEAT Bot section of Evony Hookups to learn a bit more about and acquire the BEST Evony Bot yet!
Here is a Evony Neat Bot goal section for a New noob Account
As the account grows you may want to raise the minimum and maximum amounts, as well as the trade batch amount!
If one resource is below the minimum, it sells any other resources over the minimums for gold to buy resources and get them all up to the minimums set!!
Market & Trade New/Noob Account Goal Section for Evony NEAT Bot – by EHU:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 |
//---- Evony Hookups ----// //---- Market & Trade New/Noob Account Goal Section for Evony NEAT Bot - by EHU ----// ///------------------------------- /// Trade ///-------------------------------- config trade:3 set goldmin 500k set foodmin 100k set foodmax 500k set woodmin 50k set woodmax 500k set stonemin 100k set stonemax 500k set ironmin 50k set ironmax 500k set batch 10k tradepolicy /type:gold /min:%goldmin% tradepolicy /type:food /min:%foodmin% /max:%foodmax% /batch:%batch% /allowselltomin tradepolicy /type:wood /min:%woodmin% /max:%woodmax% /batch:%batch% /allowselltomin tradepolicy /type:stone /min:%stonemin% /max:%stonemax% /batch:%batch% /allowselltomin tradepolicy /type:iron /min:%ironmin% /max:%ironmax% /batch:%batch% /allowselltomin // //---- ----// |