This Evony Script demolishes all of your wall fortifications, then uses your 1066+ politics Insta-Trebuchet hero to make 11k instant Trebuchets (giving him XP), then it demolishes those 11k Trebuchets and repeats the process! It eats through your stone like CRAZY! It also uses some food as well..
This is the FASTEST way to level your Politics hero in Evony, if the hero is already higher than 1066 politics! It’s probably the MOST wasteful way to level your hero in Evony, as well, especially if stone prices are high on your server! There are settings for “MinStone” and “MinFood” to auto-stop the script when the city is getting low on resources. Also, this script makes use of NEATBot’s goal save slots to load a special goal (that you must create) with NO fortification lines via “TrebbingGoalNum” to use during the script – so goal settings don’t interfere with Trebuchets being built and demolished. Also, you can just not have a goal running during the script by using any blank goal save slot for “TrebbingGoalNum” variable! Once the script is done running it loads your regular goal back into NEATBot when the script ends via “RegularGoalNum”. If you manually edit your regular goal to not build fortifications while running this script, then you can just use your Regular Goal save slot for both “RegularGoalNum” and TrebbingGoalNum”.
Of course, this script is designed for players with Insta-Treb heroes to level them even farther and faster, however.. if you have a politics hero that is ALMOST insta-treb, such as 1 or 2 seconds per Trebuchet, then you could.. in theory.. still use this script to gain XP at a much slower pace!
Level your Insta-Treb hero like an Evony BOSS using this Trebuchet Leveling Single Hero Script by EHU!!
NOTE: If new to Trebbing/Trebuchet-Leveling you should probably read this article called Evony Tip – Evony Trebbing: the Art of Trebuchet Hero Leveling and Item Farming before continuing.
Trebuchet Leveling Single Hero Script – by EHU:
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//---- Evony Hookups ----// //---- Trebuchet Leveling Single Hero Script - by EHU ----// //---- Last Edited: 12/26/2014 ----// //---- This is a very simple Trebuchet Leveling, //---- aka "trebbing", script for one hero. //---- It demos all fortifications, makes 11k trebs, //---- then repeats!! You will need to have a blank //---- goal or trebbing-based goal saved in one of //---- your city's goal slots to use as the TrebbingGoalNum.. //---- Main User-Defined Variables - Change These!! ----// TrebHero="BigPol" //-- Insta-Treb Hero name --// MinFood="1000000000" //-- Mininum Food to stop at --// MinStone="1000000000" //-- Mininum Stone to stop at --// RegularGoalNum="0" //-- Save Slot # of Regular Goals --// TrebbingGoalNum="9" //-- Save Slot # of Treb Goals - NO FORTIFICATIONS --// //---- Nothing to edit below here!!! ----// //------Start of actual Sript------ //------ Start of actual Sript ------ //------ Start of actual Sript ------ //------ Start of actual Sript ------ //------ Start of actual Sript ------ //------ Do Not Touch!! ----// echo "Running Trebuchet Leveling Single Hero Script.." //---- Initial Stone and Food Check.. label ResCheck ifgoto ( < MinFood) NoFood ifgoto (m_city.cityManager.resource.stone.amount < MinStone) NoStone echo "More than {MinStone} stone and {MinFood} food, let's start! ;)" //---- Main Setup and variables.. label Start execute "loadgoals {TrebbingGoalNum}" recallall execute "waithero {TrebHero}" //---- Delete non-treb forts.. Label DeleteForts Traps = city.fortification.trap Abs = city.fortification.abatis ArchTower = city.fortification.arrowTower Logs = city.fortification.rollingLogs Trebs = city.fortification.rockfall if (city.fortification.trap >= 1) execute "walldefense tra {Traps} demo" if (city.fortification.abatis >= 1) execute "walldefense ab {Abs} demo" if (city.fortification.arrowTower >= 1) execute "walldefense at {ArchTower} demo" if (city.fortification.rollingLogs >= 1) execute "walldefense r {Logs} demo" if (city.fortification.rockfall >= 1) execute "walldefense tre {Trebs} demo" //---- Check Res again and continue actual Treb building and process of script.. label Continue ifgoto ( < MinFood) NoFood ifgoto (m_city.cityManager.resource.stone.amount < MinStone) NoStone //---- Build 11000 11k. label MainLoop execute "setmayorbyname {TrebHero}" execute "walldefense tre 11000" label Sleep sleep 1 //---- Demo 11000 Trebs.. label CheckTrebs if (city.fortification.rockfall == 11000) execute "walldefense tre 11000 demo" if (city.fortification.rockfall == 0) goto Continue if (city.fortification.rockfall < 10999) goto DeleteForts goto Sleep //---- Low Food.. label NoFood execute "loadgoals {RegularGoalNum}" label NoFoodEcho echo "Less than {MinFood} food.. Script Stopped :(" sleep 30 loop NoFoodEcho 60 goto EOS //---- Low Stone.. label NoStone execute "loadgoals {RegularGoalNum}" label NoStoneEcho echo "Less than {MinStone} stone.. Script Stopped :(" sleep 30 loop NoStoneEcho 60 goto EOS //---- End of Script.. label EOS echo "Less than {MinStone} stone or {MinFood} food.. Script Stopped :(" // //---- ----// |